phoenix tattoo meaning for men 842
Some people do it on a whim, but getting a tattoo should be a very personal decision. In fact, there are a couple of decisions that you need to consider. One is where the tat is going to be on your body.

phoenix tattoo meaning for men 843
How times have changed. It used to be that having a tat was a sign you were most likely living on the fringes of society or in the military. It was hardcore. As with most hardcore things, society frowned upon it. Somewhere along the line, this became a good thing and tattoos suddenly become trendy. People in the business may groan about it, but there is no mistaking it puts bucks in the old pocket.

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With the trendiness of tats has come some seriously bad experiences by people. A tat should be a good thing, not a bad one. It should mean something to you that you will give a rat's patuy about 10 years down the line. It should also be in a place on your body that you will not come to regret.

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Although tats are more mainstream these days, the trend only goes so far. A tat on your shoulder isn't really going to be an issue regardless of whether you are a mechanic or an investment banker. The same can't be said for a tat in an area that cannot be covered by clothing.

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The sleeve tattoo is one area that you see people push the limit on. Have you ever noticed that guy in the office who seems kind of hip, but always wears the long sleeve shirts no matter how hot it is? It could be 115 degrees on a brutal summer day in Phoenix, and he doesn't even remotely look ready to roll back the sleeves on his shirt. It may just be that he has a sleeve tattoo.

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I'm all for tats or I wouldn't be writing this. That being said, getting ink on a part of your body that will always be exposed is a big decision. Being rebellious is great when you are 25. 45 year old rebels, however, tend to be fewer in numbers. What if you turn 35 and have to get an office job to support a wife and kids? Are you ready to constantly wear long sleeve shirts to cover that tat every day?
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